Phew, taking a minute (or ten) to sit down and post an update for our beloved family and friends who wonder what's going on in our lives!
The biggest change in the last few months is that our friend Jon has moved in with us! It is awesome having him here. We have the same kinds of thoughts on intentional communities (which is that we love them and want to be part of one) and have high hopes to be in a village-y sort of situation in the very near future. Our mutual friend has some land and a genuine desire to share it, so we're exploring that option and reading up on cob building, solar power, large-scale gardening, composting toilets, keeping a house cow, and breeding alpacas. We would love to grow to be self-sustaining as quickly as possible. It is all very exciting, and my sincere intention is to keep my blog all up to date, especially if we embark on any new big projects!
I am halfway through my first term back to school, and I'm loving being a student again. I definitely need to get a bit better at starting assignments closer to the time they are assigned rather than waiting until the day before they are due, but other than that I'm on the right track. If all goes to plan, I have one year of prerequisites to take and then I can start at Birthingway College of Midwifery!
The two older kids are still taking a few classes at the homeschooling resource center and they love them! (Eli isn't quite interested enough yet.) Between them they have Lego club, chess club, organic gardening, cooking, folk tales from around the world, detective agency, and other fun stuff. The families we know from that place are so wonderful. It's a good place to hang out!
Stay tuned for some photos!