06 May 2011


Finally, pictures!

This is from my birthday back in March. Our new roomie Jon had just moved in! Here are the kids watching him lighting the cake:

An adorable girl waiting for some birthday song singing action:

And Jon enjoying some delicious vegan cake!

Mom and Poppy:

Cold April day at the Oregon coast:

Cute boys chillin with a loved-up dog:

Nate working hard at OMSI (Exhibit A: "Thinking Tongue" protruding from mouth):

These are from up at our friends' place. They are on five beautiful acres and have six kids between them, so it's a lively group with us there too! Super fun tree swing:

Best dad ever:


He may not look too impressed, but he would sit there all day long:

Mmmm, waffles!

Magic eyeballs!

Thanks for checking out my beautiful family. Happy spring to you fellow northern hemispherians! Hemispherites?