06 January 2010

Houston, we have a problem.

4 January, 2010

We noticed that our "house" battery (the one in the back that powers the living area) didn't seem to be holding its charge. The lights and fridge were dimming after having been plugged in at the farm for days. Plugging in is meant to charge the battery. So on our agenda for today was finding a battery/auto electrical place. I saw one on the way into Coffs, so we went there.

Yes, the battery was completely flat. No, it is not charging when plugged into the mains. New battery = $220. Battery charger should be under warranty, but the warranty people have to "get us in the system" before they can process the claim, which for some amazing reason takes 24 hours. We bought the battery so that we can have light and refrigeration (we have a huge new tub of yoghurt!), and hopefully we can get the charger sorted tomorrow.

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